I could not believe it...one year old already..I
just bought

..plus some goodies for the children..it's not that we are not celebrating his birthday but we are going to celebrate this weekend (23.05.2009) at his father's hometown. We will have a ceremony called "Berjejak" together with the birthday celebration. I can't wait..
Happy 1st Birthday my baby.. We love you..
" Semoga menjadi anak soleh, berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.."
“Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last”

oit..rayyan dah makan kek dah ke????anyway...happy b'day Rayyan..cepat besor ye..
TQ auntie zaida..rayyan x de la mkn kek lg..tp sbg syarat bg dia rase skt je..bebudak nursery yg mengabihkan kek tu..
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